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Fullife Foundation

The Fullife Foundation, is a passionate group of people, determined to make a difference to the health of women and children in Ethiopia.

Having visited Ethiopia on numerous occasions, we have witnessed people trapped in the devastating cycle of poverty, lacking hope and any thought of a future. We have seen the fragility of life, and that most deaths and disease occur from what we in Australia would class as preventable causes.

So, our passion, our mission, is to improve the health of women and children in Ethiopia. We aim to to reduce the number of senseless and preventable deaths, especially amongst expectant mothers and their babies, and to give as many as possible, hope and a brighter future.

Visit our website for more information.

Fullife Pharmacies

If there’s one thing we know at Fullife Pharmacies, it’s that a cookie-cutter approach to healthcare doesn’t work. We believe your health and wellbeing should be about thriving.